Superannuation Guarantee Amnesty ends on 7 September 2020

Hello Employer!


A reminder to all Employers that the Super Guarantee Amnesty is an opportunity to catch up on any unpaid super without the normal penalties applying.  The Amnesty ends on 7 September 2020.

If you have paid the right amount of super for your employees, you don’t need to do anything further.


What you need to do

If you are worried you have not paid all your employees their super, you should talk to a tax professional or visit our website to learn more about the Amnesty before it ends.

If you are eligible for the Amnesty you can pay the previously unpaid super and you will not have to pay any penalties or administration fees.  You will also be able to claim a deduction for any payments you make before 7 September 2020.

We understand that you may be concerned that you are not currently able to pay the amount you have owing. If this is the case, you should still apply for the Amnesty to receive its benefits whilst we work with you to establish a payment plan.  Our payment plans can be tailored to your circumstances and extend beyond 7 September 2020 when the Amnesty ends.

To be eligible for the Amnesty we must receive your application by 7 September 2020.  If you need further information, please talk to us on 02 9560 2688 or visit

The material and contents provided in this publication are informative in nature only. It is not intended to be advice and you should not act specifically on the basis of this information alone. If expert assistance is required, professional advice should be obtained.

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